The Answer Key to the Republican Candidates Tax Plan Quiz
Corporate Tax
Eliminate the corporate income tax. (Gary Johnson)
Cut corporate tax rates. (Newt Gingrich – cut to 12.5%, Ron Paul - cut to 15%, Rick Santorum - cut to 17.5%, Rick Perry - cut to 20%, Jon Huntsman - cut to 25%, Mitt Romney - cut to 25%, Michele Bachmann)
None of the Above.
Capital Gains Tax
Eliminate the Capital Gains Tax. (Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry, Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann)
Eliminate the Capital Gains Tax for incomes of $200,000 and below. (Mitt Romney)
Lower the Capital Gains and Dividend tax rates to 12%. (Rick Santorum)
None of the Above.
Estate Tax
Eliminate the Estate Tax. (Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, Gary Johnson)
None of the Above. (Jon Huntsman)
Individual Tax
Eliminate the individual income tax. (Ron Paul)
Provide an optional flat income tax. (Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry)
Lower and flatten the individual income tax rates. (Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann)
Simplify the tax code; stop using it to reward special interests and control behavior. (Gary Johnson)
Eliminate all deductions and credits in favor of three lower rates of 8%, 14% and 23%. (Jon Huntsman)
None of the Above.
Additional Tax Measures
Eliminate taxes on tips. (Ron Paul)
Eliminate the tax on Social Security benefits. (Ron Paul, Rick Perry)
Move to a territorial tax system for corporate taxes - don't tax foreign income. (Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney)
Stop the 2013 tax increases. (Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney)
Eliminate corporate loopholes and special interest tax breaks. (Rick Perry)
Eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax. (Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Michele Bachmann)
Eliminate the corporate income tax for manufacturers. (Rick Santorum)
Increase the Research & Development Tax Credit from 14% to 20%. (Rick Santorum)
Allow for 100% expensing of new equipment. (Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich)
Repeal taxes outlined in Obamacare. (Michele Bachmann)
Gary Johnson does support the Fair Tax (replace all federal taxes with a 23% national sales tax.) However, it is not specifically mentioned on the Economy and Taxes page on his official campaign website, so it was not included above. When his website says “Eliminate punitive taxation of savings and investment”, it is interpreted to mean both the Capital Gains Tax and the Estate Tax. Also, the Fair Tax replaces those taxes.
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